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About Me

Hi Everyone!  I'm Kristin - a working mom of two of the most adorable kids ever (I could be biased), a wife to a pretty cool guy if I do say so myself!, a freelance makeup artist for TV/Film and Events and serious makeup junkie.

Here's my family :

you can't see my little guys face but aren't we cute?

I've been working freelance for about 5 or so years now.  It all started just after High School (Go Raiders!) when I was asked to do someone's makeup for prom, so I did that for a few years for free just to get more practice and then I started professionally doing makeup about 5 years ago thanks to my pushy hubby.  Remember when I said he was pretty cool?  He is so confident and such a go getter - me?  Not so much.  I am a more go with the flow kinda gal - yes, that line came from "Pretty Woman".  Where was I?  Oh, right - so he pushed me to follow the dream I was always talking about and here I am today.  I have worked on two TV commercials and weddings galore and feel like I'm just getting started.  I can't wait to see what the next 5 years bring!

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